VERY IMPORTANT - This may look a bit daunting a first glance but give it a chance. I posted the notice for informal comments earlier in 2023 but the proposed rules are now posted for formal (no longer informal) comment in the Texas Register. (https://texreg.sos.state.tx.us/.../readtac%24ext.ViewTAC...)
Your input as family members is important. There is a section by section outline at the beginning that will help somewhat to clarify the changes being proposed. Genny Lutzel and I were privileged to have some early input in some of these proposed changes but the final proposed rules are new to us, too.
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is accepting comments from stakeholders on the proposed rules, concerning Assisted Living Facilities through January 22. https://www.sos.state.tx.us/.../26.HEALTH%20AND%20HUMAN...
Comments can be emailed to HHSC Long-Term Care Regulation Rules at HHSCLTCRRules@hhs.texas.gov.
Questions can be emailed to HHS Rules Coordination Office at HHSRulesCoordinationOffice@hhsc.state.tx.us.